A transition must be opened before it can be edited. This can be done by navigating towards it and clicking the white dot beneath it. A transition can also be opened by long clicking it. Once the transition is open, a series of buttons appear. Each button has a different purpose
can be used to close the transition again, or to open the alignment editor. The alignment editor allows you to align the beats between the tracks.
can be used to insert a song between the two flanking tracks.
sets the pre-listening mode. There are 4 modes of pre-listening
No prefader: both songs are mixed and the crossfader is also applied.
Prefader: only the old song is audible. Cross fader is not applied.
Prefader: only the new song is audible. Cross fader is not applied.
Prefader: both songs are played together, without applying the cross fader.
shifts the second song up and down to find the best alignment.
turns the tempo lock on or off.